Here’s why you should eat cheese and chocolate this Christmas

  CHRISTMAS is just around the corner and with it comes delicious treats for us to indulge in. If you love tucking into a cheese board over Christmas research suggests you should chomp away – all in moderation.  Forward planning can ensure that you have the tastiest Christmas yet. Cheese and nuts can be a […]

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Scared of the dentist? 5 ways you can overcome your fears!

For many people, the idea of going to the dentist is enough to strike fear into the heart (and the gums). When we’re young, we worry about the pain, and when we’re older, the cost only adds to our distress, especially for those who need the latest developments in sedation dentistry. It’s normal to feel […]

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Demystifying Wisdom Teeth

Usually, the third molars emerge sometime between the ages of 17 and 25. Because they appear at a mature age, they’re called “wisdom” teeth. But there are a lot of myths and misconceptions out there about wisdom teeth. Here, we  share some common myths about wisdom teeth, along with the facts. Myth 1: We All […]

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Why We Need the Mental Health Version of Brushing Teeth

In the early 1900s, less than 7% of adults brushed their teeth or even had toothpaste.  Fast forward a century, we are much better. We recommend brushing 2 minutes twice daily, a recent survey confirmed 77% now follow the guidelines. What we need is the mental health equivalent of brushing our teeth. We need clear consistent […]

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What Can Cause Teeth to Feel Itchy?

Your teeth itch.  Or at least you think that they do — and you’re starting to feel a little anxious about it. But are your teeth actually itchy? You could be perceiving another similar sensation like pain as itchiness, or it could be the tissues inside or adjacent to your teeth that are itching. Itchy teeth causes A there […]

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What Are the Advantages of Nose Breathing Vs. Mouth Breathing?

What Are the Advantages of Nose Breathing Vs. Mouth Breathing? You very likely breathe without thinking about it. Your body does it automatically, without much, if any conscious effort on your behalf. But it’s important to pay attention to how you breathe. In general, it’s healthier to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth. […]

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Veneers Are Becoming An Essential Accessory For Influencers

Our cultural fascination with perfect smiles has been growing steadily for years, and social media has only accelerated the interest.  For some, having a perfect white smile and shiny teeth seems like the equivalent of having the latest designer bags these days.. The first wave happened in the early 2000s, with adults in their forties […]

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What are open gingival embrasures or black triangles? 

As white movie star smiles become increasingly popular, more and more people seek to correct their dental imperfections. Black triangles between your teeth, called open gingival embrasures, are one of the conditions people often want to fix.  Repairing these openings isn’t just cosmetic, though. There are important health reasons to mind the gaps. What are open […]

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Sensitive Teeth

If you have feelings of sharp pain or achy discomfort when you try to do some of the simplest things, like sip on cold or hot drinks, floss, or even breathe in cold air you likely suffer from tooth sensitivity. The nagging symptoms of sensitive teeth can range from mildly unpleasant to straight-up debilitating, and […]

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Tips to Prevent Tooth and Mouth Injuries

Injuries to the teeth and mouth are common. The stats Most tooth loss in people under the age of 35 is caused by athletic trauma, fights or accidents. Up to 40% of dental injuries in older adolescents and adults occur while playing sports. Approximately 80% of dental injuries affect one or more of the front […]

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