What Can Cause Teeth to Feel Itchy?

Your teeth itch.  Or at least you think that they do — and you’re starting to feel a little anxious about it. But are your teeth actually itchy? You could be perceiving another similar sensation like pain as itchiness, or it could be the tissues inside or adjacent to your teeth that are itching.

Itchy teeth causes

A there are a number of reasons why you think your teeth feel itchy.


Allergies can cause the tissue inside your mouth to become sensitive, swollen, and itchy.  Oral allergy syndrome, or Pollen Food Allergy Syndrome (PFAS),  can create this type of unpleasant situation when you eat something that your immune system doesn’t like.

You may notice that the roof of your mouth itches, or your gums feel itchy  which may make you feel like your teeth are itchy. For example, you may not even realise that you have an allergy to strawberries  until you munch on a few, only to realise that your throat, mouth and gums are inflamed and itchy.

Plaque build-up

When plaque starts to build up along your gumline, it can make your gums feel rather itchy, and you may perceive that as your teeth feeling itchy, too.

Gum disease

Gum disease can make your teeth feel more sensitive, which might just include an itchy sensation.

Gum disease can develop quietly or you might see a little inflammation or bleeding from your gums. But it can lead to serious problems, including damage to your teeth and bones and even tooth loss.

Side effect of medical procedures

Sometimes, after a dental procedure, your body perceives that your tooth or gum has been injured, even in a minor way. As it heals, the body’s reaction to trauma or injury is to feel itchy.

Tooth structural damage

The itchy sensation might be the result of an injury, such being hit in the mouth with a ball or during a car collision.

Whatever the cause of the injury or trauma, if the structure of your tooth sustains some damage, it may cause a sensation that you may perceive as an itch. That could include damage to the root, nerves, or pulp.

Other infections

Research suggests that pain and itching can sometimes accompany an infection caused by bacteria or viruses, as well as fungal and parasitic pathogens.

For example, the herpes zoster virus is known for causing pain, tingling and itching in nerves. This virus, which causes shingles, may cause some pain and tenderness in your face, near your teeth. This pain is called odontalgia.

Home remedies for itchy teeth

  • Try sucking on ice cubes. This can dull the itchy sensation a bit.
  • You can also try swishing some salt water around in your mouth or rinse out with cool or cold water.
  • Dab on aloe vera.Recent studies have shown that aloe vera can help with inflammation due to oral conditions. Dab some on your itchy gums to help relieve the condition. You can find aloe vera in the following forms: Toothpastes and mouthwashes, gels, topical sprays or juices.
  • Limit spicy and acidic foods.
    • Be aware of trigger foods that make your itchiness worse. These may be the signal of an oral allergy as the cause of your itchy gums.
    • Eat foods that won’t make the itchiness worse. Try yogurt and ice cream, which may cool and sooth your gums.
    • Foods and drinks like tomatoes, lemons, orange juice, and coffee may make your itching or any inflammation worse.
  • Proper brushing and flossing  techniques can go a long way toward maintaining the health of your mouth. It also helps to ward off infections and disease that might lead to itching or may lead to more serious damage.
  • Quitting smoking or vaping tobacco, both of which can irritate your mouth and gums is another strategy.
  • See your dentist. If you are experiencing itchy gums and home remedies don’t help after seven to 10 days, schedule an appointment with your dentist. They can figure out the cause of your discomfort and find the right treatment for it.